Jakobsen tids visuel og litterær kunst
Jakobsen tids visuel og litterær kunst

Russisk formalisme og tsjekkisk strukturalisme, Sjklovskij & Jakobson 20,II, første forelesning (Kan 2024)

Russisk formalisme og tsjekkisk strukturalisme, Sjklovskij & Jakobson 20,II, første forelesning (Kan 2024)

Jacobean alder (fra latin Jacobus, "James"), periode med visuel og litterær kunst under James I's regeringsperiode (1603–25). Forskellene mellem den tidlige jakobinske og den forudgående Elizabethanske stil er subtile, ofte kun et spørgsmål om grad, for selv om dynastiet ændrede sig, var der ingen markant stilistisk overgang.


Berømte forfattere

Hvem var forfatteren til The Grapes of Wrath?

I arkitekturen er den Jacobean-tid kendetegnet ved en kombination af motiver fra den sene vinkelrette gotiske periode med klodsede og ufuldstændigt forståede klassiske detaljer, hvor Flanderns indflydelse var stærk. Tudor-spidsbuen er almindelig, og i indvendigt arbejde er der betydelig simpel Tudor-paneler og en lejlighedsvis brug af vinkelrette hvælvingsformer. Døråbninger, pejse og lignende er normalt indrammet med klassiske former, og både udvendigt og indvendigt er der en bred brug af udtryk, pilastere, S-ruller og typen af ​​gennemboret, fladt ornament kendt som stropper. Jacobean møbler er normalt af egetræ og er bemærkelsesværdige for deres tunge former og bulbous ben. Det var dog i den jakobinske periode,at designeren Inigo Jones introducerede den første fuldt realiserede renæssance klassiske arkitekturstil i England med sit design af Banqueting House, Whitehall (1619–22). Jones stil var baseret på Andrea Palladios teorier og værker, og Palladianisme blev efterfølgende en bredt vedtaget arkitektonisk stil i England.

During this period, painting and sculpture lagged behind architecture in accomplishments because there was no outstanding practitioner of either. The chief of the early Jacobean painters was the talented miniaturist Isaac Oliver. Most of the Jacobean portraitists, like the sculptors, were foreign-born or foreign-influenced—for example, Marcus Gheerhaerts the Younger, Paul van Somer, Cornelius Johnson, and Daniel Mytens. Their efforts were later surpassed by those of the Flemish painters Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony Van Dyck, who worked in England during the reign of Charles I.

In literature, too, many themes and patterns were carried over from the preceding Elizabethan era. Though rich, Jacobean literature is often darkly questioning. William Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies were written between about 1601 and 1607. Other Jacobean dramatic writers became preoccupied with the problem of evil: the plays of John Webster, John Marston, Thomas Middleton, and George Chapman induce all the terror of tragedy but little of its pity. Comedy was best represented by the acid satire of Ben Jonson and by the varied works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. Another feature of drama at this time, however, was the development of the extravagant courtly entertainment known as the masque, which reached its literary peak in the works of Jonson and Inigo Jones. Jonson’s comparatively lucid and graceful verse and the writings of his Cavalier successors constituted one of the two main streams of Jacobean poetry. The other poetic stream lay in the intellectual complexity of John Donne and the Metaphysical poets. In prose, Francis Bacon and Robert Burton were among the writers who displayed a new toughness and flexibility of style. The monumental prose achievement of the era was the great King James Version of the Bible, which first appeared in 1611.