Forsøgsromanen af ​​Kafka
Forsøgsromanen af ​​Kafka

Retssagen, tysk Der Prozess, roman af den visionære tysksprogede forfatter Franz Kafka, udgav oprindeligt posthumt i 1925. Et af Kafkas største værker, og måske hans mest pessimistiske, denne surrealistiske historie om en ung mand, der befinder sig fanget i den tankeløse lovens bureaukrati er blevet synonymt med ængstelsen og følelsen af ​​fremmedgørelse af den moderne tid og med en almindelig persons kamp mod en urimelig og urimelig autoritet. Det betragtes ofte som en fantasifuld forventning om totalitarisme.


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Fortællingen fremgår af bogens indledende sætning: ”En person må have bagvasket Joseph K. i en morgen, uden at have gjort noget forkert, blev han arresteret.” Det er K.'s 30-årsdag, og et par vagter er ankommet til hans boardinghus for at informere ham om, at han er arresteret. Han indkaldes kort tid før inspektøren, der er i en anden lejers soveværelse. Inspektøren ved ikke, hvad anklagerne er, men fortæller K., at han er fri til at fortsætte med at leve sit liv som sædvanligt. K. går til banken, hvor han arbejder og får senere at vide, at en række høringer finder sted søndage.

K. is not informed of the time that he is expected to appear, but he goes on Sunday morning to the address he was given, which proves to be that of a large tenement building. Eventually a washerwoman directs him to a crowded meeting hall, where the examining magistrate scolds K. for being late. K. energetically protests his treatment and denounces the corruption of the system. As he is leaving, the magistrate tells him that he has damaged his case by declining to participate in the hearing. No further summonses arrive, so K. returns to the building the following Sunday morning only to be told by the washerwoman that court is not in session. Her husband is the court usher, and he offers to show K. the law court offices. While there K. begins to feel extremely fatigued, but after two officials help him outside, he immediately recovers.

A few days later, as he is leaving work, K. hears a sound coming from a storeroom, and inside it he finds the guards who arrested him being flogged because of his complaints about them to the magistrate. An uncle of K.’s later takes him to the defense lawyer Dr. Huld. Although Huld is in bed because of a heart condition, he is very interested in taking on K. as a client. The chief clerk of the court emerges from a dark corner of the room, and he and Huld discuss the case. Huld’s caretaker, Leni, lures K. from the room and seduces him. She also tells him that he is being too stubborn and that he must confess his guilt. K.’s uncle is furious over his inattention to his case.

Weeks pass, during which K. finds it increasingly difficult to focus on work and also becomes increasingly dissatisfied with his lawyer’s largely invisible work on his behalf. One day a bank client suggests that he seek help from the court painter, Titorelli. In light of K.’s innocence, Titorelli says that he can help K., though he reveals that, in his experience, no one has ever been acquitted. However, he believes that K. can obtain an ostensible acquittal, which is provisional and hence carries the risk that charges might be reinstated, or an indefinite postponement, which requires regular filings and appearances. Either may prevent the case from reaching the sentencing phase.

When K. goes to fire Huld, he meets Block, a merchant who is another client of Huld’s. Block’s case has been going on for five years, and he has secretly engaged other lawyers and tried to represent himself. Huld exhibits his power over Block in an attempt to dissuade K. from dismissing him. Later at work, K. is asked to show an Italian client a local cathedral, but the client fails to arrive at the appointed time. A priest appears at a side pulpit and reveals that he is the prison chaplain. He informs K. that his case is going badly, as he is by now considered to be guilty. The chaplain then tells him a baffling parable.

On the eve of K.’s 31st birthday, two men in frock coats and top hats come to his home. He goes with them, and they hold his arms. Although it seems that they are going where K. leads them, they take him to an abandoned quarry and have him sit with his head on a stone. They pass a knife back and forth to each other, and then one of them pushes it into K.’s heart and twists it twice.

K. never discovered why he was arrested or what he was charged with, and he was never able to understand the principles governing the system of justice in which he found himself ensnared. In the end, he did not resist his inevitable execution.


The novel is an evocative account of K.’s helplessness in the face of a completely incomprehensible system. After Kafka’s death from tuberculosis in 1924, the chapters were organized and the book published by his friend and literary executor, Max Brod, despite Kafka’s request that Brod destroy the manuscript. The book was unfinished, and there has been debate as to whether the chapters were published in the correct order. There were several stage and film adaptations of The Trial, including a 1962 movie directed by Orson Welles and starring Anthony Perkins and a 1993 version with a screenplay by Harold Pinter.